
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jewelry Making and Christmas Shopping

Have I mentioned lately how much I love the Holidays? Those being Thanksgiving and Christmas! Well I do. I L-O-V-E them! This year, I have completed most of my shopping pretty early....well early for me. I have most everything made, wrapped, and ready to go to the different houses for Christmas. If you know me at all, you know that I usually don't finish shopping until either the 23rd or even Christmas Eve. So a week before is a record for me. I am pretty stinking pround of the gifts I get to give this year. From Rangers' tickets, to a Red Roomba, to some the best pieces of jewelry I have ever made, to the amazing cookbook I wish I was keeping for myself, everything is absolutely perfect. I like to think that I got something unique to each person. I hope they like what I got them...well I got for them from other people. :) Oh did I mention, that this year, I did most everybody's shopping for them this year. It was an absolute blast! I can't wait for everyone to open their gifts. Aside form the gift part, I am just excited to get to go home and be with my entire family, extended and everyone. I can't wait to see my pals from Farmersville for some bonding time.

Well its this time of year, that we are strongly encouraged to take a long look at our lives and give thanks for everything we have. Our health, job, house, friends, family are just amoung a few that are typically included in that list. My question is....why are we only encouraged to do this during the holiday season? What about the other 10 months of the year? Should be ungrateful or less grateful during those months? My challenge to people this year, is to be thankful for life year round. Let God know that what He provided you with is enough. That you are completely thankful for all the blessings in your life daily. Expand those blessing beyond what we are "normally" thankful for. Expand them to the sunshine, the rain, the person that smiled at you in line at the grocery store, the grocery store, the warmth of your house, the fact that you can read, your car, your computer, the phone, the fact that you live in a place where so many conviences are at arms length. Don't get me wrong, we should still be thankful for our health, house, family, etc, but those are the only things we should give thanks for. This Christmas season and the beginning of a new year, challenge yourself to be a better person. A Thankful person. I promise that you will notice a difference if you say thanks to God for the person who cut you off on the highway, rather than cursing at them. Other people might just notice it too. Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a wonderful time with your peeps this Christmas season!


PS: Here is a picture of one the necklaces I made.....I just had to keep this one! :)

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