So today I sat at my desk thinking about my life and what I have done with it so far and what I want to do with it in the future. I decided that I should probably at some point write all of that down. So I came up with The "Life Lessons" if you will that I have learned.
1. Treat others as you would want to be treated-No one wants to be treated like they are stupid or ignornat, even though they might be, or unimportant or just flat out like they don't matter. Everyone has feelings and everyone matters, so treat them accordingly.
2. Always think before you speak-I haven't gotten myself into more messes because I have a problem with not thinking before I say something. You should always think about what is coming out of your mouth before it actually comes out. It's just good manners.
3. This one is for all the men out there-Before you think about saying something to a woman, ask yourself if you would want someone to speak to your mother, grandmother, or daughter that way. If that makes you uncomfortable, then maybe you should just keep that comment to yourself.
4.Its ok to say No to people-You don't have to take on the world. They have this great word in every language. It's NO! It is ok to say No to people every now and then. You don't have to always be the hero. And you certainly don't have to conquer the world in one day. Remember the 'ole DARE saying "Just say No!" Maybe it applies to more than just drugs......
5. You should always have an out-When you do say yes to someone or something, its always a good idea to have a back up plan or an out to get out of it. Not in a bad way, but just in case.
6. It may taste good going down, but it doesn't always taste so good coming back up-No matter how good the alcohol tastes going down, or how much fun you are having, you should keep in mind what its going to feel like later. This way you don't wake up with your head in the toilet, or next to someone who really never thought you would wake up next to and have no clue how that happened. Never a good idea. Use your head!
7. It is ok to let your guard down every once and a while, it might surprise you when you do-You don't always have to shut people out. Some people might actually be worth it. And if they're not, hey it only made you stronger.
8. Sometimes you need to just suck it up-Life is hard and its exhausting, everyone lives it, we all know. Sometimes you just need to suck it up and go out with the girls, or go that extra mile, or just live the life of a normal active young person. You don't always have to sit at home. If you choose to do so, then don't bitch about all your friends leaving you behind. You made the choice deal with it.
9. Let people live their lives. Just because you don't agree with some of the choices they are making, doesn't mean you have a right to inflict your opinion on them. Its their life, they are the ones who have to live it. They are the ones that have to accept any consequences their actions may have.
10. Finally, Don't judge a book by its cover-People might just surprise the heck out of you once you take the time to get to know them. So take the time, don't just jump to a final opinion right away. Also, make your judgment for yourself. Don't always trust the opinions of others. Go with your gut.
So...these are just a few things my life has taught me so far. I hope that maybe you can get something from them. Peace out homies!!!
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