I just began a new ladies' bible study on Thursday nights with a group of women from my church. We are doing a poolside, study of David presented by Pricilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur. We have only completed one session, but I have to tell you....I am completely hooked. Pricilla did the first week. I haven't ever done one of her studies, but I LOVE IT!!! She is so animated and southern. It's amazing! She captivates me. The whole time she spoke, I had chills. It was like the Holy Spirit was truly wrapping me in His arms. I can't wait to get going on the homework. Usually, when I do one of these studies, I do good with the homework for like 2 weeks and then I start to slack off. I am making a committment right now, to complete all 6 weeks this time. This is a HUGE committment for me, because I already have so much other homework from my summer classes. BUT man, Jesus Christ died for me (the ultimate sacrifice), its just a drop in the bucket, I know, but I am going to committment to Him and to doing my homework for all 6 weeks. We are doing this study poolside at my boss' house. His wife is leading it. There were about 25 women who came out for the first week. Can I just say that it was a pretty cool night. Like after the session was over, everyone just kinda sat around talking and catching up on life and fellowshipping with each other. It was pretty awesome. So many women from so many different groups and age groups. It was amazing. I can't wait to see everything I am going to learn from these amazing women.
So work-wise this week.....
My boss is out of town on vacation. I am house sitting for them this week. Aside from living at the pool and in the sun this week, I hope I can catch up on all of my schoolwork. I have a ton of assignments due this week and I am hoping to get those plus a few more (so I can be ahead) finsihed this week. These classes I am taking for the summer session are way harder than I expected. Oh well! I guess I will surviv...I always do. But aside from all the homework, I only have to be at the office a couple hours everyday and I get to spend a good part of my time out here. I love it!! I feel so inspired out here. I don't know if it is the quiet of being so far out in the country or just this house or being in the sun at the pool, but I feel so inspired to write and just get all of my thoughts out there. Hence, the super long blog post. :)
Ok so now I have to really get to work......I have to put together the lesson for the nursery for church tomorrow. I love blogging!!!!!
Live with no regrets!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
New Pics
Well......I have a ton of homework I really should be doing right now, instead of playing on facebook and writing this blog. For some reason, I just can't seem to get to it. :) Oh well....I work better under pressure anyway. So here is a little update on the happenings in my life.........
- I am beginning, I guess its, my second semester of graduate school. Let me tell you...It was iffy if this day was going to come. Last semester was pretty rough on me. I think I might have over-involved myself and overwhelmed myself a little bit. WOW that was tough to admit. This summer semester is starting out pretty well. I bought my books, checked my classes online quite a bit, and have already completed a couple of my assignments. I'm excited! I just hope I can keep this up for the rest of the summer. Yes that's right. While all of you are off having a very enjoyable summer, I will be tied to my computer learning about Human Development and Research Methods. Booooo! At least I can take my computer everywhere with me......this means to the pool. :)
- Well I think every year I turn over a new leaf. This year the new leaf seems to be turning itself. I have somehow become a full fledged nose to the grindstone adult. I realized this during this past weekend. Both of my roommates were gone, and I had the whole house to myself. In the past, I might have called up some of my other friends and possible gone to a movie or dinner or the river or to one of their houses and just hung out and had a wonderful. What did I do instead? I went and rented a whole bunch of movies (our satellite was out due to a mishap with the stinking roofers) and just chilled at my house....all weekend. Instead of going out and causing trouble with random friends, I chose to stay home, clean, cook, do laundry, catch up on some nursery stuff, cut the grass, read a book, and just sit at home.....alone. WOW! What an exciting life I lead.....(said sarcastically)
- I have also, every year for like the past 4-5 years, had some kind of move going on. I have moved at least once, sometimes twice, every year for the past 4-5 years. I guess this goes with college. Well, I am proud to report that this last move, has been the last one....and is the only one I can see happening in the next year or so. YAY!!! No more packing boxes, loading boxes, unloading boxes, and then unpacking boxes!!!! I love it!!!!
- I am now the Nursery Coordinator at my church. I love it!! We have been working so hard to change up a few things, and I can finally see the effects of those changes. The girls are doing a wonderful job of incorporating those changes. I think the biggest change is that we now have a very structure Sunday Morning routine. We also have a new Sunday School curriculum. I hate to brag, but I think I did a bang-up job writing some of the new stuff. See we order curriculum every quarter. That curriculum is awesome, but lacking in a few areas. It also just kinda assumes that whoever is teaching it, already knows a lot about that subject or the Bible in general. Well even I hadn't heard some of those stories. So I took the curriculum, added some background info on the story, i.e. the verses straight from the Bible, an objective and purpose, a memory verse for each week, a story for the kids, and an activity for the kids to complete and take home. It's been pretty awesome so far. The kids seem to be learning a lot and love making stuff to take home to their parents. The parents love getting the stuff that their kids are making. We do this for all 3 of the classes, so everyone from the 2 and 3 year olds to the babies are making stuff. It was pretty cool to get to send home a project for our babies for the first time a few weeks back. I am so excited to keep working on this and work out those final little kinks!!!
I think that is it for now. I guess I better stop procrastinating and get some work done.
Much Love!
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